School Activities
Art Club is open to all students in grades 3 through 8 who love to create and explore their artistic talents. Our club meets every Friday from 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM. To ensure everyone has a chance to participate, we alternate weekly between grade levels: 3rd and 4th grades meet one week, and 5th through 8th grades meet the following week, continuing to rotate each week.
Each session offers students the opportunity to either engage in a large, guided class project or set up at a personal table to freely work on individual art pieces. It’s a fun and creative space for students to experiment with different media, improve their skills, and express themselves!
For more information, feel free to reach out to Ms. Barton at
The Audio Visual Broadcasting Club is a place where creativity meets technology. In this club, students have the chance to learn about video production, sound editing, and broadcasting. It’s an exciting opportunity to express yourself and share your ideas with others!
The Early Act Club is a service organization that started in Netcong Elementary School during the 2021-2022 school year. We are open to 5th-8th graders . We meet bi-monthly on 3:120-4:20 pm. This organization is the middle school version of the Interact Club that will be encountered during High school. We are sponsored by the local Stanhope Rotary. Through our service projects, the students can develop leadership skills and a pride in their community.
In our fourth year of operation, we have conducted:
- Food drives for The Netcong Food Pantry
- Food drives for St. Michael's Food Pantry
- Assisted Netcong PTA at the annual Easter Egg Hunt
- Wrote birthday cards to 90 Seniors from The Netcong Senior Group.
- Clean up at Lake Musconetcong
- Clean up of our own Netcong Campus.
- Held a Holiday Party for our Netcong Senior Group.
- Enriched the atmosphere of our school with pictures of Netcong Students enjoying school events
- Assisted the Pre- K class counting their 100 day collection of canned goods for the local pantry.
Calendar for 2024-2025
- September 5th Interest meeting
- September 19th - Pantry
- October 3- Birthday card making
- October 17- Pantry
- November 14th- St. Michael's
- December 5th-Christmas Party with Seniors
- December 19 th - put up posters around school
- January 9th - Working on Senior birthday cards
- January 23rd- Pantry
- February 6th- Make posters for upcoming food drive
- February 20th - Pantry
- March 6th-Pantry
- March 20th - Clean Campus
- April 3- Fill Easter Eggs
- April 17th - Pantry
- May 1st - Lake Clean up
- May 15th Pantry
- June 5th- End of Year Party - Invite seniors ( musical guests)
This year is going to be a lot of fun as we have concerts and other events to look forward to! All of this information applies to: Beginning Band (4th-5th Grade), Advanced Band (6th-8th Grade), and Choir (4th-8th Grade). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to me. It is important that we have communication. Being a student in music requires support for being picked up after school, taken to concerts, renting instruments, practicing at home, etc. I want to be a resource to you so please reach out to me any time if I can provide help, or clarification.
Full Ensemble Rehearsals:
Each ensemble will have rehearsals after school this year from 3:20-4:00pm. This year the rehearsal schedule will begin the week of September 16th. Even if students do not have instruments yet we will go over rules, expectations, and play some games. It is crucial that each student is at these rehearsals as we are a team and each and every member is important. Advanced Band and Choir Students will have additional rehearsals during 9th period each week.
NES Beginning Band-
Mondays, 3:20-4:00pm
NES Choir-
Tuesdays, 9th Period
Thursdays, 3:20-4:00pm
NES Advanced Band-
Wednesdays, 9th Period
Tuesdays, 3:20-4:00pm
For the 2024-2025 School Year, Students’ pull-out lessons will be operating on a 4-week rotation schedule to ensure they are not taken out of the same class every week. A pull-out lesson is when a student leaves class to attend the lesson with their instrument group. If a student misses a pull out lesson due to a test, quiz, presentation, etc., students should see Ms. Riccardo to let her know in advance and find a time for a make-up lesson. The lesson schedule will be posted weekly in my Google Classroom, on my website, and sent to teachers. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Performances 2024-2025
All band and choir students are REQUIRED to be at these concerts.
Winter Concert- December 12th at 6:00pm
- Students should arrive by 5:30pm
Spring Concert- May 22nd at 6:00pm
- Students should arrive by 5:30pm
High Note Festival (Middle School)- May 29th
Concert Dress Code
All students in Beginning Band, Advanced Band, and Choir should wear:
- Nice white top - polo, buttondown, blouse
- Nice black bottoms - pants, long skirt
- Nice black shoes - no sneakers
Attendance Policy
Students must attend our weekly, full ensemble rehearsals. This is to ensure our success as a group and help us grow and improve our sound together. Every member is crucial to the ensemble, everyone matters.
- Students can have ONE UNEXCUSED absence.
- Unexcused means that a student did not show up to rehearsal and did not let me know 24 hours in advance. If a student is absent from school, this does not count against them.
- Students can have TWO EXCUSED absences.
- An excused absence means that you may have an important appointment or family emergency. The student and/or parent/guardian must reach out to me at least 24 hours in advance. Please email me using
Mock Trial Meets the first Thursday of every month throughout the school year.
The Netcong Mock Trial Club provides students with the opportunity to learn about the law, criminal and civil procedure, and supreme court cases! Our club participates in the annual Law Adventure Competition for 7th and 8th Graders, which is sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. Each year students and their teachers from all over New Jersey write and submit an original mock trial case based on an issue/topic chosen by the NJSBF. Winning teams have the opportunity to perform their Mock Trial Case at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick each Spring.
The Student Culture/Climate team is a platform for students to have a voice in creating a setting students want to attend every day. The team will meet to discuss how we can both maintain and improve our school with the cooperation of faculty and administration.
Yearbook Club is a student-focused club where students will collaborate to put together the Netcong yearbook each year. The Yearbook Club meets twice a month to plan page designs, arrange pictures, and develop the overall format and theme of the yearbook.
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